Friday, November 16, 2012



2.1. General Categories of Physical Quantities
Scalar quantities are those quantities which are completely specified by their magnitude,
expressed in some convenient units.
·         easy to handle since they can be manipulated by ordinary laws of algebra (Usually can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided directly)
·         Examples: length, mass , area, volume, time, density
Vector quantities are those which require for complete specification, both magnitude and
·         Direction is just as important as the magnitude when specifying quantities
·         It always represented by an arrow.
·         Examples: displacement, force, acceleration, velocity, momentum
·         The sum of the vectors is called the RESULTANT vector.

2.2. Addition of Vectors
            Methods in Adding Vectors
A.     Graphical Method – also known as Geometrical Method and require no computation.
a.       Parallelogram Method (Tail to Tail Method) – used to add only two vectors
b.      Triangle Method (Head to Tail Method) – use to add only two vectors
c.       Polygon Method (Head to Tail Method) – use to add more than 2 vectors
An illustration will help for Head to Tail method: Note that we can move vectors around as we wish on the graph paper, because only the magnitude and direction matter. The location does not. Also note that this is the way we would add together displacements – if I say "go along vector A and then along B", then in the end we would end up in the same place as if we had just gone along vector R, the resultant. In that sense, R is the sum of A and B. We take this as a general definition of adding any two vectors together, whether they are displacements, velocities, or some other quantities.
            To do this accurately, we need to use a ruler and protractor. The general technique for adding two vectors on graph paper is as follows:
1.      Start at the origin and draw the first vector (based on the numbers given you)
2.      At the end of the first vector, make a new origin
3.      Draw the second vector starting at the new origin
4.      Connect the tail of the first vector to the head of the second
When you are finished, the last line you have drawn is the resultant. You can then measure the length and angle of this vector using a protractor and ruler.

B.     Analytical Method (Component Method/Trigonometric Method)

Trigonometry is also important in physics. When you have a right-angled triangle, the following relationships are true:

This method is based on the fact that we can specify a vector by specifying its magnitude in two perpendicular directions. We take these to be the x and y directions. We call the length of the vector in the x direction as the x-component of the vector, and similarly for y. The nice thing about this method is that once we have the x and y components of the vectors we want to add, adding them is simple. Let us say that we have two vectors, A and B, with the components labeled as Ax, Ay, Bx, and By. It should be obvious which component each symbol stands for. If our resultant, or sum vector, is called R, with components Rx and Ry, then we have
Rx = Ax + Bx                                                Ry = Ay + By 
But how do we get the components if we are given the angle and direction? We use trigonometry. Consider the diagram:
We know from trigonometry that
Ax = A cos q 
                        Ay = A sin q
Similar relations hold for the components of B, or any other vector for that matter. Here A is the magnitude of A, and q is the angle.
We now need to be able to go back from the components to the magnitude and direction. We have, again from trigonometry,
R2 = Rx2 + Ry2 
                                    q = tan-1 (Ry / Rx)  
 The process for adding two vectors, A and B, is thus:
  1. Find the components of A and B using (2a) and (2b)
  2. Add the components together using (1a) and (1b)
  3. Find the magnitude and direction of R using (3a) and (3b)
Note: Calculators are funny things. You should always make a sketch of your addition to see if your values agree with what your calculator gives. The magnitudes should be correct, but the angles will often come out wrong. To adjust the angles, note that
                        cos q = cos (360° - q )
                         sin q = sin (180° - q )
                         tan q = tan (180° + q )
            The summarized steps for component method are as follows:
1.      Resolve all the given vectors into their x and y components.
2.      Find the algebraic sum of all the x-components (∑X), and the algebraic sum of all the y-components (∑Y).
3.      Find the magnitude of the resultant using the Pythagorean theorem.
R = sqrt ((∑X)2 + (∑Y)2)
4.      determine the angle of the resultant and the specific direction using the tangent function.                 
θ = arctan (∑Y /  ∑X)

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